IEEE Lebanon

I started my volunteering work with IEEE in the University where I was assigned Campus Representative in American University of Science and Technology (AUST) Student Branch. I main duties were recruiting students of Engineering and Computer Science to in the student branch as well as coordinating with the Chair of the student branch in different events held and organized by the branch.

After graduating, I was automatically transferred into the Young Professional Affinity Group in Lebanon. During my volunteering in this group I was a part of he board responsible for writing and signing MoUs with different companies in Lebanon facilitating the training/internship of IEEE Graduates in Lebanon. I was later elected as the Young Professionals Secretary in 2016.

After finishing the  assignment, I was a founding member in a new group reporting to IEEE Lebanon branch called Action for Industry (AFI). Our main duty and goal in that group was to facilitate the outreach of different student branches to huge companies  as they try to find sponsorship for different events as well as creating different MoUs with companies in the name of IEEE Lebanon branch that facilitates the process of event sponsoring and internships for graduating students. I was also an Ambassador for IEEE Day in 2016 part of the organizing team for the event at which all student and professional members of IEEE meet and talk about different topics covered in IEEE. I also participated in Students and Young Professionals Congress 2016 that was held in Regensburg, Germany.